AIHA Carolinas Spring 2021
Virtual PDC/Conference
March 24-25, 2021
Wednesday – March 24th
1:00 PM – 5:00 PM PDC: Noise Measurement and Basics of Hearing Conservation - Presentation
Andy Bragg – COHC Director of Customer Service, Technical Sales Representative – Southeast, SKC Inc.
Denny Collins – COHC Technical Sales Representative -Atlantic/Northeast, SKC Inc.
Description: This is a detailed and in depth look into hearing conservation, regulatory guidelines, noise and sound terminology, and the physics related to sound level meter and noise dosimeter measurement. We will discuss everything from why we should care about hearing conservation and the protection of the human ear, to understanding the physics and critical terminology involved in correctly measuring and protecting you and your employees against hearing loss. There will also be a virtual hands-on segment to try and illustrate the IH capabilities and tasks made easier by today’s technology.
Thursday – March 25th
8:30 AM – 8:45 AM Welcome
Leaton Jones, President
8:45 AM – 9:45 AM Practical Ventilation Controls to Reduce COVID Exposures in an Industrial Setting - Presentation
Monona Rossol, Consultant, ACGIH Committee on Industrial Ventilation
9:45 AM – 10:15 AM Industry Profile: IH Challenges and Solutions at GE Greenville Gas Turbine Manufacturing
Julia Harper, Health & Safety Specialist
10:15 AM – 10:30 AM Break
10:30 AM – 11:30 AM The Flint Water Crisis, Institutional Ethics Considerations
Steve Neilson, CIH; Department of Energy- Jefferson Lab - Presentation
11:30 AM – 12:00 PM Improving Firefighters Diisocyanate Exposure Awareness - Presentation
Dylan Hardison, PhD, ECU, Dept of Technology Systems
Chris Lott, Student, ECU Dept of Technology Systems
12:00 AM – 1:00 PM Lunch Break
1:00 PM – 2:00 PM Cosmetic Talc Products: Exposure Reconstruction
Jamie Poole, PhD, CIH, Principal OEH Solutions
2:00 PM – 3:00 PM AIHA National Update -Presentation
Lawrence Sloan, MBA, CAE, Chief Executive Officer AIHA
3:00 PM – 3:15 PM Break
3:15 PM – 4:15 PM NC OSHA Update -Presentation
Paul Sullivan, CIH, CSP, West Compliance Bureau Chief, NC Department of Labor, OSH Division
4:15 PM – 4:45 PM Business Meeting
Leaton Jones, President
Presentation Descriptions
Title: Noise Measurement and Basics of Hearing Conservation - Presentation
Andy Bragg – COHC Director of Customer Service, Technical Sales Representative – Southeast, SKC Inc.
Denny Collins – COHC Technical Sales Representative -Atlantic/Northeast, SKC Inc.
Description: This is a detailed and in depth look into hearing conservation, regulatory guidelines, noise and sound terminology, and the physics related to sound level meter and noise dosimeter measurement. We will discuss everything from why we should care about hearing conservation and the protection of the human ear, to understanding the physics and critical terminology involved in correctly measuring and protecting you and your employees against hearing loss. There will also be a virtual hands-on segment to try and illustrate the IH capabilities and tasks made easier by today’s technology.
Technical Sessions
Title: Practical Ventilation Controls to Reduce COVID Exposures in an Industrial Setting, Monona Rossol, Consultant, ACGIH Committee on Industrial Ventilation - Presentation
The “Industrial Setting” in this presentation includes the film and entertainment industries, the healthcare industry, and all other workplaces that come under the OSHA General Industry standards including schools. This presentation covers the basic principles of ventilation in a simplified way, using new studies, computer simulations, and tracer gas diagrams to make this complicated topic easier to understand. With new technologies, ventilation rates can be visualized in addition to being calculated. Also covered is updated information regarding the uses and limitations of unit ventilators, HEPA air purifiers, open windows, air-conditioners, UV units (stand-alone, at the ceiling, and in-duct), ionizers, and many other real and bogus air cleaning and sanitizing devices. Both mechanical and natural ventilation systems will be covered.
Monona Rossol was born into a Vaudeville family, began working as a professional entertainer at age three, and continues to perform occasionally to this day. She has a BS in Chemistry with a minor in Math, an MS and MFA with majors in art and a minor in music. Monona worked seven years as a research chemist for the University of Wisconsin and a year with an industrial research laboratory. From 1977 to 1987, she practiced industrial hygiene at the Center for Safety in the Arts in New York, a group which she co-founded. In 1987 she founded Arts, Crafts, and Theater Safety (ACTS) for which she works today. She has been a full professional member of the American Industrial Hygiene Association since 1984. Since 1995, she has been a Safety Officer for Local USA829, United Scenic Artists, IATSE. Since 2017, she has been the Safety Consultant at SAG-AFTRA. Between 1983 and the present, she specialized in safety and regulatory training in art and theater and has presented training lectures and courses to schools and universities in all but two US states. She also has consulted on the planning of over 80 buildings specifying ventilation and safety features. She has three architectural awards for environmental planning and in 2020 she became a consultant to the ACGIH Committee on Industrial Ventilation. She has consulted in the US, Canada, Australia, England, Mexico, Portugal, the Netherlands, and the United Arab Emirates. She has written nine books, one of which won a 1996 Choice Outstanding Academic Book Award from the Association of College and Research Libraries. Two of her books are used as college texts today.
Title: The Flint Water Crisis, Institutional Ethics Considerations - Presentation
Steve Neilson, CIH; Department of Energy- Jefferson Lab
Contract Industrial Hygienist, National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, Cincinnati, OH, from 1994-1995, PT
Civilian Industrial Hygienist, Naval Surface Warfare Center - Crane, Crane, Indiana; from 1995-2001
Safety Manager, US Army Corps of Engineers, NASA Plum Brook Reactor Decommissioning Project, Sandusky, Ohio, from 2001-2004
Since 2004, I’ve been the Safety and Occupational Health Manager with the US Department of Energy, Thomas Jefferson Site Office in Newport News VA. In this capacity I provide contract management and compliance oversight for safety and security programs performed by the Lab’s Management and Operations (M&O) contractor. The Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (JLab) is one of 10 Laboratories in DOE’s Office of Science, and its mission is to explore the fundamental nature of matter by probing the nucleus of the atom using a superconducting RF accelerator operating at 12 GeV (12 billion electron volts). While the Laboratory has approximately 750 employees comprised of engineers, scientists and technical support staff, it is a User facility serving a community of more than 1,100 U.S. University researchers and international scientists.
M.S. Industrial Hygiene, University of Cincinnati
B.S. Biology, University of Michigan-Flint
Certified by the American Board of Industrial Hygienists as CIH since 2000
Title: Cosmetic Talc Products: Exposure Reconstruction
Jamie Poole, PhD, CIH, Principal OEH Solutions
Abstract: This presentation will address the concepts of material “presence” in a compound and the potential impacts that presence has on perceptions of risk. The presentation will also address the reconstruction of alleged exposures versus the confirmation of the “presence” of specific compounds within a product. The results of the exposure reconstruction will be discussed as will theoretical calculations based upon certain assumptions. The presentation will end with open discussion and questions regarding the subject matter and concepts associated with risk analysis.
Dr. Poole is a Board Certified Industrial Hygienist with over twenty five years professional experience in the public and private sector. He has previously served as an North Carolina OSHA Health Compliance Officer, and has comprehensive industrial hygiene expertise involving respiratory protection, exposure characterization, indoor environmental quality, chemical and physical agent exposure assessments, environmental and occupational risk assessments and occupational safety and health training and regulatory compliance. He is a former NIOSH research award fellow and has lectured in the Department of Environmental and Occupational Health at the University of South Florida, College of Public Health, in Tampa, Florida.
Title: AIHA National Update - Presentation
Larry Sloan, MBA, CAE, Chief Executive Officer, AIHA
Lawrence “Larry” Sloan stepped into the role of CEO at the American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA) in October 2016. Prior to this, he served as President/CEO for seven years at the Society of Chemical Manufactures and Affiliates (SOCMA), representing the interests of the US specialty chemical industry. Larry served as President of the Adhesive and Sealant Council from January 2005 to February 2010. Mr. Sloan joined the Council in 2001 as Director Member Services and was promoted to Senior Director in 2004. Larry began his career as a chemical engineer at Air Products and later worked for Nalco Chemical Company in marketing, manufacturing and sales capacities. Larry graduated magna cum laude from the University of Pennsylvania with a BS in Chemical Engineering. Later he returned to the Kellogg Graduate School of Management at Northwestern University where he earned his MBA. In 2006, Larry received his Certified Association Executive (CAE) designation through the American Society of Association Executives. Here, he serves on the ASAE Foundation’s Research Committee, provides periodic insights for its monthly publication, and serves as a content leader at various events. He is a former board member of the Societe de Chemie Industrielle, the Chemical Heritage Foundation’s Joseph Priestly Society, the Chemical Educational Foundation and the National Association of Manufacturers’ Council of Manufacturing Associations, where he served as chairman in 2012.